Saturday 1 June 2019

Reading Theme of June, 2019

Image result for smaug
Smaug from "The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkien

Dragons are ancient mythical creatures that are part of countless different cultures. The English word for dragon seems to have popped up back in the early 13th century, though "dragon" comes from the French word of the same spelling, which in its own turn comes from latin "draconem", which comes from the term "drákōn" in Ancient Greek. Obviously, dragons are old news, but even today we seem to have a clear  fascination for the fictional creatures. They are featured in modern literature and films, such as "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" by J.K. Rowling, as well as "The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Dragons have a few well known characteristics; they're serpent-like, have wings, and breathe fire. However, whether they are seen as evil or not depends on what culture you ask. In western culture, dragons are seen as beasts or magical creatures. In tales, one can find a young male hero who has to defeat a great and evil dragon in order to save a lady in distress. In contrast, eastern Asian culture views the dragon more like a sort of god and is a sign of prosperity and peace. Here, dragons are worshipped, whereas in the western world, they are feared.

Now that you know a bit more about dragons, I hope you are excited to read a book this month that features these mythological beings in one way or another. I personally don't have very much experience with reading books centred around dragons, which is why I'm particularly looking forward to this theme. Despite not having read a lot of dragon books, I do own a fair amount of unread books that do. Therefore, I won't recommend any books this month, but instead show you what I might choose to pick up! Here is a fancy list of five options:

Perhaps you can find inspiration from this list? Or maybe you have other books on your TBR that would fit this theme perfectly? Either way, I'd be thrilled if you decide to join me in my dragon reading this month.
Happy reading!

Video in Swedish

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