Saturday 16 March 2019

Covers in the World: Gallagher Girls

English covers 1:
The original covers. Based on what I've read so far, these covers seem to fit the contents of the books, however they're not pleasing to my eyes. That's just my opinion, though; I've seen worse.

English covers 2:
My personal favourites, and I own the first two books in these editions. Fit the content and look good, especially together.

English covers 3:
I've gotten some critique for my harsh judgement when it comes to book covers; especially so because I hate covers with faces plastered all over the place. Sorry, but I'm right. This sucks.

English covers 4:
Happy, colourful, and fun. Fits the series!

English covers 5:
The covers I'll probably be buying for the rest of the series. Very similar to the covers I already have, but with a pastel twist. Pretty cute.

Indonesian covers 1:
Excuse me, does this series follow a fifteen year old spy or a ten year old school girl?

Indonesian covers 2:
Better than the other batch of covers Indonesia offered for this series. I'm personally not a fan of the cover art for these, but I won't bash them.

Czech covers:
Cool? I like. Would've liked to see more.

Polish covers:
If Indonesia went too young with their cover model, Poland went too old. The protagonist is fifteen, not 22?

Thai covers:
I love me some black and yellow. I'm a fan. I'm also sad they didn't continue translating the series.

Japanese covers:
This... this right here... could be... the ugliest covers... I've ever seen...?

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