Sunday 1 March 2020

Reading Theme of March, 2020

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Veruca Salt from "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" (1971)

I've encountered a ton of hype during my time as a book nerd on the internet. From 2012-something and forward, countless novels and series have been praised upon their release, and thousands have thrown themselves over new titles to be amongst the first to see what all the hype is really about. Sometimes the period of popularity seems to stretch on forever, especially in the case of hyped series that continue on publishing for years.
Have you ever fallen for hype? I know I have, on several occasions. It can lead to both heaven and hell, so I've personally become more cautious and sceptical regarding hype in later years, but even I can't keep myself from floating with the stream sometimes. Keeping up with new hyped releases can be a bother, however, no matter how much one might want to be part of every popular fresh release. Constantly buying new books is expensive, and as soon as one hype blows over, there are five more heading your way within the month. Nevertheless, it can still be fun to follow the discussions and excitement on platforms like YouTube, and one can always wait to read hyped book for when after the worst of the storm is past us.
That's what I want to encourage you to do this March. Find a book that has been very hyped, or maybe is still, and read it. Did it live up to your expectations? How did the hype affect your reading experience?

Do you not have a clue on what to read? Here are a few suggestions:
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And here is a list of what I might be picking from my current TBR (which has one or two super hyped books in it that I should get to, btw):
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Good luck this month! Let me know if you'll be reading a previously or currently hyped book this March ;)
Happy reading!

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