Thursday 17 October 2019

Covers in the World: Daughter of Smoke & Bone

American covers:
Ah! So dramatic and awesome! Gotta say, though, the first cover doesn't have me super impressed but THE OTHER TWO omg. I love the spines as well (which I have seen, because I own them all). Great covers! Iconic, even, perhaps? You tell me ;)

British covers 1:
I do like the second version of the British covers more, but these are nice, too. The style is clean and I appreciate the photographic art.

British covers 2:
Classy and beautiful in all their simplicity. Nice colours and titles that take up their rightful places.

English covers:
Umm who ordered these? No one? OK, let's leave them in a corner and forget about them.
Just kidding... or not? :/

German covers:
The colours are popp-ing but does it look good? Personally, I don't think so.

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Italian covers:
Cover changes, much? Neither is good, tbh. Perhaps look into a profession that doesn't involve graphic design?

Turkish covers:
I am officially unsettled and keeping a light on in my room tonight.

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Indonesian covers:
I thought Italy had a bad case of cover changes, but it's nothing compared to these! Holy mother of indecisiveness. Must say, though, these covers are individually better than all of Italy's. Each of these could've developed into solid cover series. Too bad they couldn't settle for just one.

Dutch covers:
Both look like scared birds in human form. But in a vogue kind of way. Ugly, but daring. I can appreciate it.

Portuguese covers:
Some details match the story, but otherwise there's nothing really special about them. There's nothing we haven't seen before in the world of YA book covers. Not an improvement from the original covers. Also, the wings on the third cover look SO SMALL on the model's back. Like, they're not gonna work as anything else than accessories, boi.

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Czech covers:
I'm not a fan of covers where a large part of the picture is covered by solid colour with text on. It's a boring style that can ruin any promising image beneath it. Too bad.

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Swedish covers:
Same covers, but I feel something went wrong with the title. It's too small. Luckily they learnt that in time for the final book.

French covers:
Karou's hair is blue, not her entire body! That makes her hair look white rather than blue. I don't know if they were going for mystical smurf or a washed out Na'vi from "Avatar". Either way, it ain't good.

Slovakian covers:
What do these remind me of? Oh, yes, very bad book covers.

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Russian covers 1:
Not an improvement. Looks too fake and photo-shopped. Not the worst we've seen today, though :)

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Russian covers 2:
Russia gave this series a second cover shot, and got inspired by one of the English versions. Unfortunately Russia didn't make them better, or even equally good, so I have a hard time seeing any point of these. Still, I kind of admire the effort.

Slovenian covers:
 A somewhat better makeover of the covers. I like the second and third, but not so much the first.

Thai covers:
I was a bit hesitant to a start with the first cover, but seeing the three together I changed my mind. I love them! The third is my favourite.

Chinese covers:
So boring! I'm a bit surprised the books has been translated to Chinese and not Japanese, though. It feels like this series would do well in Japan, especially as a manga, with Karou's blue hair and all. Maybe it's just a matter of time, eh?

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Korean covers:
They don't match very well, but each cover on its own is a good book cover. Korea was one of the few countries that manages to reinterpret the first cover and make it look good. The second book is a bit weird with the insects, but I like it.

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Serbian covers:
Sparkle, sparkle! These covers make me feel like I have glitter in my eyes; and not in a good way.

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Hebrew covers:
I am terrified beyond words by the first cover and disappointed by the rest. Next!

Croatian covers:
Let's just say I can understand why they didn't continue with this cover style...

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