Friday 10 January 2020

Covers in the World: To All the Boys I've Loved Before

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English covers 1:
I want to argue that these are the best possible covers for the series. They fit the contents, they're detailed, they have visual depth, are colour coded, consistent, slightly original, and pretty. Sure, they're not the most groundbreaking book covers out there, but I feel like they're a little bit iconic (at least in my shelves).

English (Scholastic) covers 2:
I think these zoom ins are a loss when it comes to the details we see in the original hardback covers. However, I can appreciate the small splashes of colour. They're unnecessary, but don't hurt my eyes.

English covers 3:
Movie covers! Don't worry, we're bound to get a third one eventually. I can't say they have more to offer than the others in English. Lana Condor is of course a beautiful woman, but unfortunately I don't think she brings anything new to the book covers specifically.

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Chinese covers:
The first one! I love this design! So cute and simplistic, yet so tranquil and appealing. The second cover is cute and nice on its own, but I love the first one so much more. Wish they hadn't changed the covers.

Polish covers:
*cough* is anyone really wondering why they didn't continue with these covers? When I start my own vitamin cream company, I'll hire whoever put this together to work on commercials.

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Serbian covers:
Looks like the walls of an slightly creative but sadly unoriginal mother of three who dislikes colour in her home decor, but is not too opposed to patterns.

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Vietnamese covers:
Dreamy and cute! The soft colours and model fit the series. I mourn the cover change slightly, since the others feel more juvenile and "too cute" even. Still solid, though. (Note: There were two covers for the final book, so I wanted to squeeze them both in....)

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Thai covers:
Pink! Pastel! Fits the aesthetic of Lara Jean, but I wouldn't be thrilled to actually own these covers. They don't appeal a lot to my personal tastes, however I cannot claim that they're ugly in any way. Okay, but not for me. 

Persian covers:
A bit childish and unpolished. Has no depth, and looks more like a commercial for the movie than an actual book cover.

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Swedish covers:
I'm obliged by law to always include Swedish covers... (just kidding) I can't say anything new and groundbreaking about the cover designs themselves since they're the same as the original English covers, but I can say something about the format. The hardcover versions are of a cute short height and the books come across as quite dapper.

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